Sunday, May 14, 2006


Occasionally people ask me how I became a dentist.

You see I had an uncle who was a medical doctor. His influence on my brothers and sisters was such that one of my sisters became a nurse, two other sisters internist doctors, and one a phamacist, while one of my brothers became an orthopedic surgeon. I am the last of the ten brothers and sisters by the way.

My uncle was well respected for his work and well loved for his social status that early days on, I also wanted to become a doctor. But I had no idea what kind of doctor I would become, until one day my elder brother who has been noticing that I had knack with small objects suggested that I should become a dentist. So I made up my mind then to become a dentist.

I love what I can do for people, especially for those with problems and aches. I derive great satisfaction from having helped people with my knowhow and skill. Dentistry has been good to me and to my wife who is also a dentist. We met while we were attending at the University of Philippine.

My two daughters are pursuing medical careers, one medical doctorship while the last one a dentistry. So one may say that we are family of doctors......